5 Records found.

Note: List includes some custom games which may not be available to you. In addition, the laws that determine the legality of these products change constantly. It is the responsibility of the buyer to determine which products are legal in any given area.

5 Records found.

Tabs Form Game Cases SealType Price Count Pack Payout Profit Ratio Payout% #Top Top Tier #2nd 2nd Tier Bottom$ #Multi Multi-Top Last Sale Seal-Card #3rd 3rd Tier #4th 4th Tier #5th 5th Tier #6th 6th Tier #7th 7th Tier #8th 8th Tier #9th 9th Tier #10th 10th Tier
3K33K BOOZE CROOZE PDQ*NONSEAL$0.33672012$1,625.00$615.0056.0072.545$100.0010$50.00$25.001$300.00No25$25.00
4L11C GOT WOOD? PDQ*NONSEAL$0.2572808$1,550.00$270.0037.1485.161$100.0010$50.00$25.001$200.00No38$25.00
3K80T CHILI CHIPS & H PDQ*NONSEAL$0.33672012$1,625.00$615.0056.0072.545$100.0010$50.00$25.001$300.00No25$25.00
3K80Q HONKY TONK & B PDQ*NONSEAL$0.33672012$1,625.00$615.0056.0072.545$100.0010$50.00$25.001$300.00No25$25.00
3K6N6 GOLDEN NUGGETS PDQ*NONSEAL$0.3393606$2,450.00$670.0011.1478.5310$100.0010$50.00$2.001$300.00Yes10$25.0010$10.0040$5.00200$2.00